A-Dyad – Brainquake (Spotify)

“Only furious loops of pure Psytrance and synth madness can cause a "Brainquake". Prepare yourself for a different sound, full of dynamic changes and energetic shifts. This is the world of "A-Dyad".”


Brainquake is a song designed to make the listener travel between electronic and fairy-tale sounds, robotic voices, aticles between atmospheric and heavenly moments of calm and aggressive moments full of energy.


A-Dyad is a producer duo specialized in psytrance, a genre full of energy that finds the maximum expression for the two artists.

They have released a tracks in Waveskin Records and Artrance Records , supported by DJMag Italy

The Duo is certified from 2 music accademies : MAT Academy & MUSIC ALLIANCE By Luca Pretolesi.

Reviewed by Nagamag on June 8, 2021