Alexa. – i hate the space

Alexa. – i hate the space

“Τα φωνητικά με την φρεσκάδα και την γλυκιά χροιά τους, μας μοιράζουν απλόχερα δροσιά και ζωντάνια. Ο ρυθμός ανεβάζει την διάθεση στα ύψη και νιώθουμε τόσο αισιόδοξοι και χαρούμενοι. Όλα γύρω είναι τόσο όμορφα και τίποτα δεν μπορεί να χαλάσει αυτή την μέρα .Η μελωδία μας χαμογελά σαν μικρό παιδί και η ψυχή μας γεμίζει αγάπη.”

“The vocals with their freshness and sweet complexion, distribute us generously dew and vibrancy. The rhythm raises the mood and we feel so optimistic and happy. Everything around is so beautiful and nothing can spoil this day. Our melody smiles as a toddler and our soul is filled with love.” *

“The vocals with their freshness and sweet complexion, distribute us generously dew and vibrancy. The rhythm raises the mood and we feel so optimistic and happy. Everything around is so beautiful and nothing can spoil this day. Our melody smiles as a toddler and our soul is filled with love.” *

Song Sources for “Alexa. – i hate the space”:

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Reviewed by Nagamag on February 25, 2023

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