Arrowsmith – Soar

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Interesting interweaving percussion elements and piano melodies. At the same time, both parties are not trying to intercept the initiative by each other, creating a well-balanced composition. The condition of the flight of the soul, body weightlessness and the complete cleansing of thoughts.”

“Интересное переплетение перкуссионных элементов и мелодии пиано. При этом обе партии не пытаются перехватить инициативу друг у друга, создавая отлично сбалансированную композицию. Состояние полёта души, невесомости тела и полное очищение мыслей.”

Soar is the latest release in a series of pieces composed around the modern relationships beginning, middle and increasingly common end. With the second release ‘Fly’ depiciting the honey-moon period, Soar is composed around the beginning of a relationship ending.

Soar is overall a very positive piece; however, these parts are constantly overwhelming the fractures which can be heard panned hard left and right.

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 1, 2022