Arstidir – Endatafl (Video)

“This track begins with carefully selected chords, swaying on its melodic waves. The artist draws his voice so thin that you can hear a droplet of sadness, hope and an ocean of sincere emotions. Bravo!”

“Трек начинается с грамотно подобранных аккордов, которые покачивают на своих мелодичных волнах. Исполнитель рисует своим голосом настолько тонкую эмоцию, что в ней можно услышать капельку грусти, надежды и океан искренних эмоций. Браво!”

Inspired by our fellow Icelander’s Sigur Rós, our new single Endatafl is aimed at everyone who likes the evocative “Icelandic” sound, Icelandic Indie and Post-rock.

At the core Endatafl is a simple pop song, accessible to everyone, but with an emotional arrangement and a truly dramatic finale!

Reviewed by Nagamag on November 15, 2021