ASPACETOLIVE – I Will Fly It To The Moon

ASPACETOLIVE – I Will Fly It To The Moon

“Chord themes sound so retro, like the 80’s disco phase, layered with the perfect phaser strings. Love the vocals and how the vocoder effect is used and how subtle it sounds, with a great harmonic addition to the song. ”

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Reviewed by Nagamag on December 12, 2022

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February 23rd, 2025|Categories: Audio, Pop, Song, Spotify, The Latest, Video, Youtube|Tags: , , , , , |

Η όμορφη και γλυκιά μελωδία ζεσταίνει την ψυχή μας και η νοσταλγική της διάθεση μας φέρνει εικόνες τους παρελθόντος. Τα μοναδ... >>> Read full review & listen to the song on Nagamag #indiepop #adultcontemporary #miabaron #canada #nagamag #musicmagazine #musicreview #review