b0ka – Last Night (On Earth)

b0ka – Last Night (On Earth)

“Лёгкое, ритмичное Disco от -b0ka-, как дополнение к одному из ваших вечером, когда вы вместе с компанией друзей собираетесь на прогулку под луной. Глитчи и шикарные переходы, как отличное дополнение к позитивной мелодии создают очень своеобразную атмосферу и единственное, чем хочется заниматься под этот трек — это быть в постоянном движении!”

“Light, rhythmic Disco from -b0ka-, as an addition to one of your evening, when you, together with the company of friends, are going for a walk under the moon. Glite and chic transitions, as an excellent addition to a positive melody, create a very peculiar atmosphere and the only thing you want to do for this track is to be in constant movement!” *

“Φως, ρυθμική ντίσκο από -B0KA-, ως προσθήκη σε ένα από τα βράδυ σας, όταν εσείς, μαζί με την εταιρεία φίλων, πηγαίνετε για μια βόλτα κάτω από το φεγγάρι. Οι μεταβάσεις Glite και Chic, ως εξαιρετική προσθήκη σε μια θετική μελωδία, δημιουργούν μια πολύ περίεργη ατμόσφαιρα και το μόνο πράγμα που θέλετε να κάνετε για αυτό το κομμάτι είναι να είστε σε συνεχή κίνηση!” *


Beatservice Records once again welcome the irrepressible five-piece outfit b0ka, who ride in with the disco-flecked hedonism of ‘Last Night (On Earth)’.


Having broken a six-year hiatus with a trio of imaginatively-spun singles over the past few months, b0ka have quickly reclaimed their proud position high in the crossover dance canopy. The group’s formative work for the likes of Eskimo, Paper Recordings, Diamond Club and b0ka Recordings won them a fervent following, and their recent material brilliantly demonstrates the players’ exponential artistic growth during time spent exploring external projects. The band members’ respective sounds recorded as Lakeshouse, OJKOS, Bjørnar Sira og Den Kosmiske Overorden ensured their compositional tools remained sharpened, and they’ve each embraced the opportunity to re-ignite the charismatic b0ka sound.

Following on from the beautifully pop-centric ‘Let Go’, their latest release sees them aim squarely for the clubs with the kinetic charge of ‘Last Night (On Earth)’. Here, disco heat takes to the fore as sturdy bass propels the intoxicating lead vocal into an unforgettable chorus. Building further still, the arrangement explodes into a euphoric club climax, the warm-blooded intensity of the music sure to fire up even the most demanding of dancefloors.

‘Last Night (On Earth)’ is the final track to be lifted from the forthcoming album, ‘Forever, My Friend’. Set against the previous singles, the music vividly demonstrates the depth and breadth of b0ka’s creative vigour, once again whetting the collective appetite for the eagerly awaited long-player due to follow.

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 6, 2023

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