BACKBONE LOVER – Bradley Denniston

BACKBONE LOVER – Bradley Denniston

“Слова, насыщенные легким грувом, создают позитивную атмосферу. Мелодия Pop Rock и Retro Soul словно приглашает на танец, забыть о времени и отдаться ритму, где каждая нота становится яркой звездой в вихре эмоций. В каждом такте, в каждой фразе звучит обещание того, что жизнь полна удивительных моментов. -Bradley Denniston- создает своего рода заклинание, которое заставляет нас верить в силу музыки.”

Lyrics of Bradley Denniston – BACKBONE LOVER

Workin all night
I try and try
But feel like I’m just running in place
Worked to the bone
Just to feed my home
trying to hold my own in this race
The man is callin
Hold the pain in
Morning rain come to hit my face
But all I can see is a dream of you and I in a better place

Ooh ooh oh
I could never do this on my own
Need you when I get home babe
You ou ou
You’re the rock, my backbone lover
Howlin under cover the pain

Long nights burnin my wick right up
Feelin like I’m just stuck
Then you give me your love
And all my problems run right away
I fought the law and the law won
Put bail on Reno just to try my luck
But you know me better than that
You saw it all written on my face

Ooh ooh oh
I could never do this on my own
Need you when I get home babe
You ou ou
You’re the rock, my backbone lover
Howlin under cover the pain

Ooh ooh oh
I could never do this on my own
Need you when I get home babe
You ou ou
You’re the rock, my backbone lover
Howlin under cover the pain

Additional information/sources for Bradley Denniston – BACKBONE LOVER

The song “Bradley Denniston – BACKBONE LOVER” is released by Radium Records

Song Sources for “Bradley Denniston – BACKBONE LOVER”:

Reviewed by Nagamag on November 17, 2024

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