Best Songs of 2020 on Nagamag
BEST OF 2020

It was our first music year online as a music blog (Actually a half as we run up all details since June 2020).
Was a very productive year full of updates in our structure and with a lot of good music and interviews.
Nagamag would like to thank all artists, labels, and publishers who delivered us a lot of music to review and blog about.
Music taste is very subjective, so here in Nagamag, we represent our own personal style and taste, filtering some of the best music around the world to showcase with you.It's hard to define the borders between many good songs and styles, but we all know as listeners, music many times speaks from inside to a listener, you feel her inside you. Same as love works most of the time. Fall in love is different from agreeing on what is beautiful, so here is the music we fall in love with during 2020.
The tracklist order is not based on the best of, we love them all equally for different reasons. We just give an order more to provide a nice flow in the listening experience. Enough said, here are BEST OF 2020 from what we have blog.
Wish you a Happy New Year!
Reviewed by Nagamag on January 9, 2021