Bhaskar – Think It’s Just Enough

“Ο ζωηρός και έντονος ρυθμός με ξεσηκώνει και χωρίς δισταγμό αφήνομαι να με οδηγήσει σε μια μυστηριακή και απολαυστική ατμόσφαιρα. Η μελωδία στήνει ένα λυτρωτικό και ξέφρενο χορό όπου οι αισθήσεις χτυπούν κόκκινο και η αδρεναλίνη διαπερνά όλο το σώμα. Τα φωνητικά τέλεια ταιριασμένα ολοκληρώνουν τη μαγική σύνθεση των ήχων και των αγγιγμάτων του κομματιού.”
“The lively and intense rhythm raises me and without hesitation I let me lead me to a mysterious and enjoyable atmosphere. The melody sets up a redemptive and frantic dance where the senses hit red and the adrenaline permeates the whole body. The vocals perfectly fit the magic composition of the songs and touches of the piece.” *
“O ritmo animado e intenso me levanta e, sem hesitar, me deixou me levar a uma atmosfera misteriosa e agradável. A melodia cria uma dança redentora e frenética, onde os sentidos atingem o vermelho e a adrenalina permeia todo o corpo. Os vocais se encaixam perfeitamente na composição mágica das músicas e toques da peça.” *
The song “Bhaskar – Think It’s Just Enough” is released by CONTROVERSIA
Song Sources for “Bhaskar – Think It’s Just Enough”:
Reviewed by Nagamag on May 31, 2023