Brian Falduto – When Your Home Don’t Feel Like Home (Stripped)
“Η ήρεμη και μελαγχολική μελωδία μας παρασύρει σε σκέψεις και νοσταλγικές αναδρομές στο παρελθόν. Τα φωνητικά πραγματικά ξεχωρίζουν με το βάθος και την έκταση τους. Συγκινητικά και αυθεντικά αγγίζουν τις ευαίσθητες χορδές μας και αναστατώνουν τα συναισθήματα μας. Αφηνόμαστε στον ήσυχο ρυθμό να απαλύνει τις πληγές μας και να διώξει μακριά τις στεναχώριες.”
“The tranquil and melancholy melody drags us into thoughts and nostalgic retrospectives in the past. The vocals really stand out with their depth and extent. Emotional and authentically touch our sensitive strings and upset our emotions. We are left at the quiet pace to soften our wounds and drive away the sadness.” *
“The tranquil and melancholy melody drags us into thoughts and nostalgic retrospectives in the past. The vocals really stand out with their depth and extent. Emotional and authentically touch our sensitive strings and upset our emotions. We are left at the quiet pace to soften our wounds and drive away the sadness.” *
Song Sources for “Brian Falduto – When Your Home Don’t Feel Like Home (Stripped)”:
Apple Music:
Reviewed by Nagamag on March 14, 2023