CALLISTO – Best Shot

CALLISTO – Best Shot

“Η χαρούμενη ροκ μελωδία μας φτιάχνει τη μέρα και η αισιοδοξία επιστρέφει μέσα μας. Τα υπέροχα φωνητικά με κέφι και όρεξη διώχνουν τις κακές σκέψεις και η ψυχή μας μαλακώνει. Η ελπίδα πως θα τα πράγματα θα είναι καλύτερα μεγαλώνει. Ο ρυθμός μας ζωντανεύει και γίνεται αφορμή για ένα όμορφο και ευχάριστο ξεκίνημα.”

“The cheerful rock tune makes us the day and optimism returns within us. The wonderful vocals with fun and appetite drive out the bad thoughts and our soul softens. Hope that things will be better grows. Our rhythm comes to life and becomes the occasion for a beautiful and enjoyable start.” *

“The cheerful rock tune makes us the day and optimism returns within us. The wonderful vocals with fun and appetite drive out the bad thoughts and our soul softens. Hope that things will be better grows. Our rhythm comes to life and becomes the occasion for a beautiful and enjoyable start.” *

The song “CALLISTO – Best Shot” is released by Meritage

Song Sources for “CALLISTO – Best Shot”:
Apple Music:

Reviewed by Nagamag on March 20, 2023

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