Casey Edgar – Things We Don’t Talk About

“Κάποιες σκέψεις μένουν πάντα κρυμμένες μέσα μας και είναι δύσκολο να τις μοιραστούμε. Η συγκινητική μελωδία μας κρατά συντροφιά στις μοναχικές στιγμές μας. Τα ωραία φωνητικά μιλούν βαθιά στην ψυχή μας και δείχνουν να μας καταλαβαίνουν τόσο καλά. Ο ρυθμός ακολουθεί τους κτύπους της καρδιάς μας και συντονίζεται μαζί τους σαν σύμμαχος.”
“Some thoughts always remain hidden within us and it is difficult to share. The moving melody keeps us company in our lonely moments. Nice vocals speak deeply to our souls and seem to understand us so well. The rhythm follows the beats of our heart and tunes with them as an ally.” *
“Some thoughts always remain hidden within us and it is difficult to share. The moving melody keeps us company in our lonely moments. Nice vocals speak deeply to our souls and seem to understand us so well. The rhythm follows the beats of our heart and tunes with them as an ally.” *
Song Sources for “Casey Edgar – Things We Don’t Talk About”:
Reviewed by Nagamag on February 26, 2023