Catherine MacLellan + Crys Matthews – More Than It Took (Video)
“-More that it took- is not just another song. The captivating sounds of an acoustic guitar, the vocal duet -Catherine Maclellan- and -Crys Matthews-, the execution of which affects so deeply that they involuntarily begin to sing along. -More Than It Took- is a song that helps to live, dream and feel.”
“-More Than It Took- не просто очередная песня. Пленительные звуки акустической гитары, вокальный дуэт -Catherine MacLellan- и -Crys Matthews-, исполнение которых затрагивает настолько глубоко, что невольно начинаешь им подпевать. -More Than It Took- музыка, которая помогает жить, мечтать и чувствовать.”
It was commissioned as part of Folk Alliance International’s Artists in (Their) Residence (AITR) project, about which Rolling Stone posted last week, which is a series of US/global collaborations reflecting on the pandemic and shining a light on FAI’s COVID relief Village Fund and is co-presented with Chris Thile.
Reviewed by Nagamag on August 4, 2021