CHAD! – In Your Eyes (Spotify)
“Emotional R&B with a powerful lyrical part. The main reason for listening is its high-quality arrangement. Each sound is in its place, with bass and beat above all expectations. Very strong track!”
“Эмоциональный R&B, с мощной лирической составляющей. Главная причина для прослушивания — качественная аранжировка. Каждый звук находится на своём месте, а работа с басом и бочкой выше всяких похвал. Очень сильный трек!”
Growing up in the small town of Walterboro South Carolina, Chad Nathan known by his artist name “Chad!” would begin his music journey as early as 2015 at the age of 14. His first musical endeavor would be putting short clips of his freestyle raps on YouTube. After about 2 years of posting his raps he took a hiatus and never considered making music again….That is until 2019, with a new drive and motivation he would begin making beats, which was something he was inspired to do by his cousin and fellow artist Insvmniv. After posting his beats on SoundCloud with very little attention he would become discouraged and almost quit once again. After graduating from high school in 2020 Chad would begin working and living a simple life with creating music being the last thing on his mind, but over time he would become bored of the same old routines and would begin to explore his old passion once again. Inspired by soulful voices such as Bryson Tiller and Michael Jackson, as well as modern icons like Drake and Lil Baby, Chad finally found his lane as a producer and would begin collaborating with various up and coming artists. Chad considers his self more of an executive producer than anything, looking to push creative boundaries and put together artists and producers in the ways such as DJ Khaled has. Chad has a true passion for music and no matter how many times he’s tried to walk away from it his love for the game always brings him back, and he’s here to stay.
Reviewed by Nagamag on February 2, 2022