Chafa – Abyss (Spotify)

“Melodic, momentary creation with spiritual and atmospheric colors, bursting with your soul. To describe the beauty of the composition -Abyss- are not enough any words. It is worth to dive into it but is so deeep that return will not be easy.”

“Мелодичное, сиюминутное творение в душевных и атмосферных тонах, распирающее вашу душу. Чтобы описать всю красоту композиции -Abyss-, не хватит никаких слов. Стоит погрузиться в неё и вернуться будет совсем не просто. ”

Abyss is a piano & strings piece which I wrote after going through a very difficult phase in my life. It is a minimalistic, yet energetic piece of music which builds into a crescendo near the end of the song. The melodic swells and buildup are meant to capture the feeling of being lost - much like being stranded in an Abyss - and eventually finding your way back.

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 9, 2021