Chavis Chance – I Hope I Die First

“Music is forever imprinted in the subconscious strength and beauty, to which you want to return every day. And similar indie folk tracks help to open the doors of your soul earlier, exposing it and demonstrating how beautiful and warm can be there.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Музыка — это навсегда запечатлённая в подсознании сила и красота, к которой хочется каждый день возвращаться. И подобные Indie Folk треки помогают приоткрыть незнакомые ранее двери вашей души, обнажая её и демонстрируя, как же может быть там красиво и тепло.”

artist said about this song:

"I Hope I Die First started out as bit of a bitter joke... but as I got deeper into writing it, imagining these two young people sitting on top of a parking garage just like my friends and I used to do in high school, I found it just turning more and more into a completely sincere statement. I imagined those two people looking out at theirs lives together with all the hope, fear, and anticipation that time brings. The song tries to zero in on that feeling.

I recorded the whole thing remotely with my good friend and multi-talented producer Kauner Michael. We met in Spain but did the vast bulk of the work from different hemispheres as he'd moved on to Los Angeles. The timezone difference was a challenge but it's amazing how much of it felt like we were in the same room thinking back on it.

We tried to work in some darker sounds to the production to bring a bit of a counter dimension to how uplifting the sound is. That's where the super low notes on the piano came from, and there's some really evil pads way down in the mix. Then Gianluca Magalotti, bass, and Matt Benthall, electric guitar, sent their parts in - totally nailed it - and it was suddenly a song."

Reviewed by Nagamag on July 21, 2022