Christof R Davis – The Moth and The Bat

“Imagine that you are walking at night in a dark forest. Only you, the warmth emanating from the moonlight and the flock of moths wandering in the web. The excellent combination of Ambient & Drone textures and the Neo Classical melody, capable of dissolving you in their attractive and magical atmosphere.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Представьте, что вы прогуливаетесь ночью в тёмном лесу. Только вы, теплота исходящая от лунного света и стая мотыльков блуждающих в паутине. Прекрасное сочетание текстур Ambient & Drone и мелодия Neo Classical, способные растворить вас в своей притягательной и магической атмосфере.”

The Moth and The Bat' is the first track to be released from Christof's forthcoming EP 'The Tree and The Moon'. The track occupies that technicolour grey-zone between ambient/electronic and classical music.

The track blends synths/samples & delayed/warped textures with a classical double-felted piano to create a uniquely dark soundworld.

Mastered by Oli Morgan at Abbey Road Studios, the track will be released digitally on 1st September 2022 with the full EP being released in physical and digital formats in December 2022.

Pre-save / streaming links available at:




Reviewed by Nagamag on September 9, 2022