Constance – In Madness
“This sincere and deepest in its essence Indie Pop with a filled with high -quality and clinging the soul of melodic tones. The vocals gives the song completeness, excitement with fantasy with its strong energy and charisma!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)
“Этот душевный и глубочайший по сути своей Indie Pop с наполненным качественными и цепляющих душу мелодичных тонов. Вокал придаёт песне завершённости, будоража фантазию своей сильной энергетикой и харизмой!”
In Madness is a raw and emotional ballad that will leave you feeling everything all at once. With beautiful piano cocooned in cinematic storytelling and a sentimental vocal, Constance tells your whole life story in a song.
‘I wrote “In Madness” with Ronny Janssen while he was down visiting Los Angeles. It was our first time meeting and writing together but it really felt like one of those fated moments where all the pieces just came together and the song wrote itself.
When we wrote this song back in March, I was completely consumed and heartbroken with the invasion and war in Ukraine. It was very surreal watching ordinary civilians train how to fight and defend themselves - young and old, some teachers, some lawyers, just regular men and women who had never held a gun in their life and suddenly being forced into the position they’re in now - It is truly unfathomable. There is no silver-lining on war and loss of life but the bravery and strength that the Ukrainian people have shown is an inspiration for the world.
“In love and in madness, in strength and in sadness” to me is the oxymoron that is the human experience and the strength of the human will to love. Even in times of darkness there is always light on the horizon and it is important for us to not lose sight of it.’
Reviewed by Nagamag on July 23, 2022