Crystal Rose – Thought I’d Say
“-Crystal rose- created a beautiful sound canvas, in which the rhythm and melody of downTempo and nu-disco create a single and monolithic space of sound. Absolutely irreal sound, plunging into which you can melt as if in your pipe dreams.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)
“-Crystal Rose- создала красивое звуковое полотно, в котором ритм и мелодия Downtempo и Nu-disco создают единое целое и монолитное пространство звука. Абсолютно ирреальное звучание, погружаясь в которое можно растаять словно в своих несбыточных мечтах.”
"I love it when you hold my hand / I love it when you take command," sings Brooklyn-based artist Crystal Rose on her new single "Thought I'd Say." Soulful chords lay a foundation for Rose to ruminate on love and friendship. A reflective, shimmering mid-tempo disco-esque groove lifts off during the chorus, and propels the downtempo feel of "Thought I'd Say" to greater heights, while highlighting Rose's dexterity as an artist. "It is purposefully playful and light, depicting a trustworthy love connection and friendship," says Crystal Rose. "[The song] started out as an experiment of sorts, the chords and verses stemming from an old voice memo of mine, and the lighthearted chorus written by producer and co-songwriter Emi Trevena." There's earned wisdom at the center of the song, both reflected in Rose's vocals and in the patient production. Angular guitars bring "Thought I'd Say" to completion as Rose's voice echoes once more over heartfelt chords.
Reviewed by Nagamag on August 11, 2022