Danika – Coolshit Bullshit

“Against the background, the light rustle of guitar strings and the voice -danika-, which gives the whole composition, the ghostly shade of melancholy sounds. When the atmosphere dilutes the rhythm, then all the shadows surrounding you from the very beginning of the track parted around and your face blinds the bright, midday sun.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“На фоне звучит лёгкий шелест гитарных струн и голос -Danika-, который придаёт всей композиции призрачный оттенок меланхолии. Когда атмосферу разбавляет ритм, то все тени окружающие вас с самого начала трека расступаются по сторонам и ваш лик ослепляет яркое, полуденное солнце.”


‘Coolshit Bullshit’ is lyrically melancholic, yet a sonically hopeful song that tells a story of bittersweet boundaries and the nature of letting go, “it’s kinda like a helium balloon floating away on its lonesome, this song is a little bit sad, and lonely, but with a really fun soundtrack. It’s about finally recognising and expressing your needs, and eventually leaving a situation that made you feel small and undervalued. Leaving the things you know can be very sad and lonely, even if it's better for you, it’s far from easy,” reveals Danika.


Reviewed by Nagamag on August 28, 2022