Dave McKendry – How Ashes Are Made
“Music, which leads a dialogue with you, is like your close friend next to you. He wants to share something important and secret and waits for you to hear him. Extend your hand, touch the melody of the soul -dave mckendry- and feel how many emotions he put into his work. And all this for you.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)
“Музыка, которая ведёт с вами диалог, словно рядом с вами ваш близкий друг. Он хочет поделиться чем-то важным и сокровенным и ждёт, чтобы вы его услышали. Протяните свою руку, дотроньтесь до мелодии души -Dave McKendry- и почувствуйте, сколько эмоций он вложил в своё произведение. И всё это для вас.”
Second single from the upcoming album of Belfast-native singer-songwriter Dave McKendry. Burned by toxic love while travelling across Europe, McKendry wrote “How Ashes Are Made” as a reminder of what people are capable of (and what people are capable of surviving). Bitter-sweet as love can often be, the track is produced like a sweet pop song, a closer listen however will reveal the bite in the lyrics.
Reviewed by Nagamag on June 30, 2022