David Myles – If I Lost You

“When you hear the ringing of guitar strings and warm vocals -David Myles- You realize that you are in the hands of a real creator. His music is able to take care of you, give a few minutes of good and will not allow the darkness to absorb your soul.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Когда вы слышите звон гитарных струн и тёплый вокал -David Myles- вы осознаёте, что находитесь в руках настоящего творца. Его музыка способна позаботиться о вас, подарить несколько минут добра и не даст темноте поглотить вашу душу.”


One of the most fundamental things about being human is confronting the reality that everything must end. We know it in our hearts, but shut it out, fight against it, and dream of ever-lasting alternatives. On David Myles’ latest single, the romantic “If I Lost You,” the songwriter makes the case for that fantasy, arguing that sometimes, it’s necessary to stave off devastation.

It’s for this exact reason that “If I Lost You” feels as sweet and softly triumphant as it does. Accompanied by the dreamy harmonies of Nova Scotia songwriter Breagh Isabel, Myles imagines a world in which castles, trees, and mountains crumble while his relationship with his wife goes on. This is a song about willfully ignoring that all things end in order to love more fully.

“Before, this would have been a straight ahead love song,” says Myles. “Now I’m more open to singing my fears and my vulnerabilities. It’s more honest.”


Reviewed by Nagamag on September 15, 2022