DJ Soulbase, Lence George – Follow You (Spotify)
“-Follow you is a bouquet of sincerity. Exciting, happy story filled with meaning. Drown in harmony of words and melodies? Easily! Intoxicate with the rhythms of Afrobeats? Yes, easily! While Walking down the street, it will sound in your head and will immediately want to sing!”
“-Follow You- это букет искренности. Волнующая, счастливая история наполненная смыслом. Утонуть в гармонии слов и мелодии? Легко! Опьянеть от ритмов афробита? Да запросто! Гуляя по улице она будет звучать в вашей голове словно заколдованная вам сразу захочется петь!”
Lence George and DJ Soulbase released "Follow You", a romantic summer banger that is difficult to sit still. The song is about the euphoric ambivalence between following the one you love and listening to others' worries.
The song was created in their first session together.
"We were really only going to check the vibe, but in two sessions we probably made songs for a small record."
Lence George, originally from Lagos in Nigeria, has recently released a number of Afro Fusion singles. His music is with an undeniable Nigerian touch, a style that has exploded worldwide in recent years. He is also strongly inspired by American R&B and Country songwriting.
DJ Soulbase has made music with many of the greatest artists in Norway, but is perhaps best known for his afrobeats and most recently as one of the people behind the label Iskald Sound, who has made a name for himself via unforgettable evenings in Oslo pre-Covid. In the last year, he has made the most sound with the afrotrap banger "Min Ting" with Snow Boyz, Eben Jr. and J-Zino and has songs on the way with artists like Fela, Madcon and Admiral P. He has also been behind artists like Akuvi, Siri Black and many more.
Reviewed by Nagamag on June 13, 2021