“The immersion effect is achieved by a beautiful and melodic sound of synthesizers and a hypnotic voice. Very positive music echoes the dramatic text, but between the lines you can catch the light intonation of self -irony. It's nice to listen, the melodic wib is just great!” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Эффект погружения достигается красивым и мелодичным звучанием синтезаторов и гипнотическим голосом. Очень позитивная музыка перекликается с драматическим текстом, но между строк можно уловить лёгкую интонацию самоиронии. Приятно слушать, мелодический вайб просто великолепен! ”


Already the previous single successes are impressive and DRAMAS reinvent themselves once again, surprising with a great throw and hypnotic melodies. Reduced to the essentials, DRAMAS again indulge in the matter close to their heart on their new single "Fame" – the fascination with opposites.

This time, the focus is on a bipolar personality and the associated oscillation between the extremes. It’s also the opening single of the artpop duo’s new album, due out in spring 2023.

"Fame" is about a bipolar personality: the melancholic "dreamer in the school yard" and the exalted "unborn star". Even though the two can’t live with or without each other, they are lost without each other. For us, the song is also a love song to our own selves."


Reviewed by Nagamag on June 27, 2022