Elinborg – Vera

“I really love that big cold atmosphere in slower tempo music, you can feel the breath of every sound you hear. Vocals are great, at some verses feeling that Billie Eilish vibes, but the music, choices of synth, drum parts, overall arrangement, just perfect.”


On 'Vera'

‘’This song came to life in a state of loneliness I guess and I tried to capture the mood of how it feels to be alone after spending years with someone.’’.

The track was produced by the Norwegian producers, and members of Highasakite, Trond Bersu and Kristoffer Bonsaksen. ‘’I have always been an admirer of Highasakite and their sound, so it was a real dream come true for me to get to work with them on this track’’.

Reviewed by Nagamag on October 1, 2022