Emei – Late To The Party (Spotify)

“We tend to live our life fast, constantly being in rush and always comparing ourselves with others. What's the reason for all this? "Emei" reminds us the fact that being "Late To The Party" is absolutely normal at all. Lovely Electro Pop single that brings its positive energy in your place. Relax and enjoy.”


​​Late to the Party is about my feelings around the pressures placed to achieve so much at a ridiculously young age. Inspired by constant comparison to 17-year-olds breaking records, the song asks “what is all the rush for?”. As the first alt-pop record made with producer, LEXIM, Late to the Party has a new badass against-the-grain attitude. The chorus will leave you singing "twenty one without a grammy or degree” regardless of your age or status.


Reviewed by Nagamag on November 16, 2021