Emily Jean FLack – 8 Changing

“Voice -emily jean Flack- How good that even in the most expressive moments of the composition retains its characteristic feature. Music is quite vividly and naturally conveys the entire inner world of the author, which cannot be described in words. Such music should be listened to and feel with all the gut. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Голос -Emily Jean FLack- насколько хорош, что даже в самых экспрессивных моментах композиции сохраняет свою характерную черту. Музыка достаточно живо и естественно передаёт весь внутренний мир автора, который невозможно описать словами. Такую музыку надо слушать и ощущать всем нутром.”


“Changing,” the latest single from Emily Jean Flack, is a vulnerable and yearning love letter, ensconced in piano, sweeping guitars, and percussion which frame an honest and open vocal melody.

Don’t go changing for the world

Your heart is where I’m home

“The world is a beautifully broken place. It’s easy to stumble,” explains Emily of this track’s context. “The song also stands to encourage us as people to persevere when we feel the pressures of the world weighing us down.”

Captivating audiences with her soaring voice, genre defying sound and honest words,

Emily Jean Flack is an emerging artist on the Canadian music scene.

“Growing up playing Celtic music gave me the fire. Listening to country and folk gave me the soul. Inspired by vocalists like Ella Fitzgerald, Celine Dion, Enya and Allison Krauss — I started to dream. Then I began to write and from there, things started to collide.”

Thank you for taking the time to listen! See photos, socials, and read Emily Jean Flack’s bio:


Reviewed by Nagamag on May 17, 2022