Enok Amrani – Stay True to Your Dreams (Spotify)

“-Enok Amrani- has long found and improved his corporate sound and once again pleases his fans with his soulful melody. -Stay True to Your Dreams- dissolves in itself, combining all the beauty of acoustic Indie Folk and matched vocals. Something incredible, extraterrestrial and delicate.”

“-Enok Amrani- давно нашёл и совершенствовал своё фирменное звучание и уже в который раз радует своих поклонников мелодией души. -Stay True to Your Dreams- растворяет в себе, сочетая всю красоту акустического Indie Folk и бесподобным вокалом. Что-то невероятное, внеземное и очень душевное.”


This song is about having faith in yourself, and never giving up following your dreams.


Reviewed by Nagamag on September 3, 2021