Eric Biddington x Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra – Classical Overture

“Charming classic overture in the best traditions of her genre. -Eric Biddington and Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra continue to saturate and fill the devastated souls of the people of the Divine Melody, which, perhaps, shared God himself shared. You will be surprised how diverse and multifaceted material is recorded and performed by musicians. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Очаровательная классическая увертюра в лучших традициях своего жанра. -Eric Biddington и Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra продолжают насыщать и наполнять опустошённые души людей божественной мелодией, которой, возможно, с нами поделился сам Бог. Вы удивитесь, насколько разнообразный и многогранный материал записали и исполнили музыканты.”

New Zealand native Eric Biddington (*1953) charms with a delightful selection of neoclassical orchestral pieces on MUSIC FROM TORRENS ROAD, delighting the ear with an exuberant blend of levity, catchiness, and joie de vivre.

Biddington’s musical education was initially cut short by illness, and despite his latter resumption (and conclusion) of formal study, his music preserves exactly the refreshing kind of naturalness and indomitable verve which is all too often squashed by so-called institutions. A blessing, not just for Biddington, but especially for his listeners: These well-crafted, profoundly melodic and musical pieces prove that in order to be complex, music doesn’t have to be complicated; quite the contrary, artistic profundity and aesthetic appeal can very well go hand in hand.

Reviewed by Nagamag on April 26, 2022