Estella Dawn – Orange

“-Estella dawn-decorates its voice with a unique timbre-colored color, whose vibrations are able to conquer the hearts of anyone. In her fruit single, she once again made it clear that she was a real queen in a musical field, and her voice is like a bird of Phoenix - with every new single, everything is better. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“-Estella Dawn- разукрашивает свой голос уникальной тембральной окраской, чьи вибрации способны покорить сердца любого. В своём фруктовом сингле она в очередной раз дала понять, что она настоящая королева на музыкальном поприще, а её голос словно птица Феникс - с каждым новым синглом всё лучше.”

Estella Dawn's narrative-driven single "Orange" describes the rare instance when a Tinder date results in instant chemistry. Composed of lush vocals and a live band, the rhythm track is a sensual, romantic and exciting prelude to a love song. Intertwining the styles of both Chelsea Cutler meets Dove Cameron, the upbeat and feel-good anthem showcases Estella’s unique talent that has garnered her a rapidly growing audience. Organically building her career with consistent releases, her work resonates with her personal reflections on life as a mid 20s woman in a complex, and sometimes overwhelming, world.

Reviewed by Nagamag on May 28, 2022