g.iirl – every time

“Together with a pleasant melody in the Chamber Pop genre and a beautiful, minimalist arrangement that gives a light melancholy, in front of you is a beautiful, calm work that will be heard for a long time. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Вкупе с приятной мелодией в жанре Chamber Pop и красивой, минималистической аранжировкой, отдающей лёгкой меланхолией, перед вами прекрасная, спокойная работа, которая останется на слуху ещё продолжительное время.”


This song is about hating yourself and being immensely jealous of everyone around you. It often feels as if everyone has it better than you, that everyone else is smarter or funnier or more attractive and you end up in a self loathing spiral. This is the emotion I've tried to encapsulate in this song. The reality, of course, is that everyone is self conscious and full of self doubt, but this song echos the 'I'll never be good enough' rhetoric that keeps so many up at night.


Reviewed by Nagamag on May 31, 2022