Gebrasy – Resolution (Spotify)

“When you feel really tired from routine, want to give up and leave it all behind, but your old self resists. Your favourite Indie Pop sound is likely to give you the energy for a new start. The artist here faces the same problem and sings to communicate his message. Don't skip it!”

This song is about becoming fed up with your life of being stuck in a routine and wanting to change that. It's about leaving everything behind and starting a new life somewhere else, where nobody knows you and can't have any prior misconceptions about you. Although the journey is not easy, the lyrical hero is haunted by his past and it's difficult to runaway from the old you completely, but this is also a song of hope and determination, because even if you're unsuccessful at the very start, you're still moving forward in hopes that you'll find solace and freedom from your thoughts and daily life.

Reviewed by Nagamag on January 2, 2022