Gelka – Wishful Thinking (Spotify)
“From the very first track, the author fascinates his listeners with a piano that caresses the ear, as if with the breath of nature enticingly dispose you and me to its vast expanses. For a moment, the heart stops, the pulse slows down ... and we plunge into impenetrable bliss ...”
“С самого первого трека автор завораживает своих слушателей ласкающим слух пиано, словно дыханием природы вкрадчиво располагает нас с вами к своим необъятным просторам. На мгновение сердце замирает, пульс замедляется... и мы погружаемся в непроглядную негу...”
Gelka has been on such labels as Om Records, Ministry of Sound, Stereo Deluxe, Wax On Records or Warp, also Café del Mar artist since 2003, with more than 20 CDM compilation releases under the belt, compiling and mixing 3 Café del Mar albums. Gelka is famous for delivering floating musical journeys, originally extending their musical scope, his mashups and re-edits are amongst the top listened to mixtapes on Mixcloud with more than 62K followers. Gelka has over 20 million streams on Spotify, Apple Music, and Youtube. The new milestone is Wishful Thinking, the first solo album of Csaba (as Gelka) following “Stardust Memories” from 2016 and his recent collaboration with Sam Brookes, with “Open” hitting millions of plays on Spotify. The new LP contains 13 new songs with a whole refreshed sounding based on more piano than the guitars from the past. Wishful Thinking is more electronic, digging more profound than ever.
Reviewed by Nagamag on December 8, 2020