Gillian Baci – Feel at Home (Spotify)

“Many believe that music has curing properties and that's true. "Feel at Home" is a bright example of positive influence, supportive mood and hope, all wisely included in this Electro Pop song. Lyrics of unique power and undoubtedly excellent artistic performance.”

Artist said about this song:

"Inspiration and Meaning
Feel at Home was inspired, to a large extent, by my journey out of depression. I used to be more sad, angry, and worried than happy, joyous, or at peace. I spent a lot of time and energy trying to get out of hell. This search led me to Alan Watts and the Wisdom of Insecurity (a book I highly recommend for everyone). It was here that I understood that I was the problem, or more specifically, my reactions to the negative side of life was the problem.

Thus, the main meaning behind the song is that, to feel at home (be at peace), it is necessary to let go of all desires that tie you down. This doesn’t mean don’t chase your dreams or seek happiness. Rather, it means that you should be ready to let go of these desires when they become burdens (i.e. when you are sad but want so desperately to be happy). For the pain in suffering isn’t the suffering itself but the desire to run from suffering. This is what ‘embrace your mind’ in the chorus is trying to say.

Fun Fact
FAH is the only song of mine that’s made me cry. The first time it happened, I was so shocked. I even thought it was a fluke. But to my wild surprise, I cried on 2 other occasions. The reason why I cry is not cos I’m sad but cos I remember the me who used to be depressed. I see him in my mind’s eye and from there I get to thinking of all those other people who are currently dealing with depression and can’t find their way out of it. As I type this, I can begin to feel tears forming so I will stop. I have no desire to cry today…lol."

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 15, 2022