Goldsmith Baynes – Te Aranga o Matariki

“In this paradise, jazz composition there are no sharp transitions and sounds, it is saturated with soft, light intonations in the melodic line and vocals. You will not find a roar of guitar reefs and a hail of powerful shock and buzzing bass. Here, music that will cure you from any hardships and sow the grain of hope and love in your heart.” (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“В этой райской, джазовой композиции нет резких переходов и звуков, он насыщен мягкими, светлыми интонациями в мелодической линии и вокале. Вы не встретите здесь рёв гитарных рифов и град из мощных ударных и гудящего баса. Здесь музыка, которая вылечит вас от любых невзгод и посеет зерно надежды и любви в вашем сердце.”

This cheerful and catchy waiata celebrates the rising of the constellation Matariki. It welcomes Matariki “Mānawatia a Matariki”, the “mātahi o te tau”(the first month of the Māori year), and names the 9 major stars.

Allana and Mark wrote this waiata to celebrate the official inaugural Matariki holiday this year. Through their composition wānanga they loved idea of a rising melody and key changes that symbolise the rising of Matariki.

Reviewed by Nagamag on July 9, 2022