Granite to Glass – There’s Nothing Quite Like Missing You (Connecticut Welcome Center)
“This voice is so sensual that it feels like the singer is right next to you. He has a guitar in his hands, a lonely flame of a bonfire burns out at his feet in the night and thoughts of desperate loss are haunting his mind.”
“Голос настолько чувственный, что появляется ощущение, как будто вокалист находится рядом с тобой. В руках у него гитара, у ног догорает одинокое пламя костра в ночи, а высоко в небо улетают тысячи остывающих в мгновение угольков, чей пепел уносят в высь южные ветра.”
Artist said about this song:
"I wrote this song for someone I was in love with who passed away suddenly. In the song, I recount older solo touring days where I'd go out alone, and at night I'd have to look for a spot to safely sleep in my car. The hopelessness and loneliness I felt in those moments was just like the feeling of missing her desperately. The fact that you can be well within in a city, but never actually be touching "New York." A sort of invisible distance, even though you are so incredibly close. But nonetheless, even in my tiny car, alone and cold, there was nowhere I would rather be, because I will never stop missing her."
Reviewed by Nagamag on March 27, 2022