HizzyOG – Choppin/Fat Kat

HizzyOG – Choppin/Fat Kat

“Darker mood and groovy bass line makes a very distinctive sound for this song. Piano theme with similar overall atmosphere makes a perfect background harmony that keeps the flow going straight. Vocal have that 90’s style that fits so good with the song. ”


This song released by: OBLIVIOUS RECORDS

Track Sources:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/1zi53fCytUiMuouW0MDs6Z

Artist’s Socials:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/hizzy.og/
Twitter: twitter.com/OgHizzy

Website: music.apple.com/us/artist/hizzyog/1536483276

Reviewed by Nagamag on January 11, 2023