Höhn – Red Earth Creek

“Ο ρυθμός και η μελωδία μας συναρπάζουν και τα ταξίδι μόλις ξεκινά. Οι αισθήσεις βρίσκουν ευχάριστο καταφύγιο και η αδρεναλίνη ανεβαίνει στα ύψη. Η ψυχή εκτονώνεται και τα συναισθήματα παίρνουν φωτιά. Η ατμόσφαιρα ηλεκτρίζεται και μέσα από την άφθονη αρμονία απελευθερωνόμαστε από αυτά που μας κρατούν πίσω.”
“Our rhythm and melody fascinate us and the journey just starts. The senses find a pleasant refuge and the adrenaline rises. The soul is exacerbated and emotions are on fire. The atmosphere is electrified and through abundant harmony we are liberated from what holds us back.” *
“Our rhythm and melody fascinate us and the journey just starts. The senses find a pleasant refuge and the adrenaline rises. The soul is exacerbated and emotions are on fire. The atmosphere is electrified and through abundant harmony we are liberated from what holds us back.” *
The song “Höhn – Red Earth Creek” is released by STNS
Song Sources for “Höhn – Red Earth Creek”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/2I704GCNWbQT8IfWWR0aWa
Reviewed by Nagamag on March 5, 2023