If I Fade – Zeny Bux

“Catchy rock melodies with very driving rhythmic force. Lead vocal is in perfect blend with the music, but with that signature style electric guitar lead and its smooth riffs, lifts this song to a next level. Arrangement is done really well, with enough space for every addictive part. ”
Additional information/sources for Zeny Bux – If I Fade
The song “Zeny Bux – If I Fade” is released by Dusk Til Dawn Studios
Song Sources for “Zeny Bux – If I Fade”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/3uCgs0B3CVu4jpf21iJ543
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVmGYq5JHKQ
Reviewed by Nagamag on November 7, 2024