Isolde Molarin – My Taxi’s Here

Isolde Molarin – My Taxi’s Here

“”Isolde Molarin” unveiled her singing talent within four minutes of immersive atmosphere. Slow tempo of captivating soundscapes and melodic shapes carefully matched with strongly emotional lyrics. Also the artist’s flawlessly sensual and irresistibly attractive voice will leave its mark to every listener.”

“”Η Isolde Molarin” παρουσίασε το ταλέντο τραγουδιού της μέσα σε τέσσερα λεπτά από την εμβάπτιση ατμόσφαιρας. Ο αργός ρυθμός των μαγευτικών ηχημάτων και των μελωδικών σχημάτων ταιριάζει προσεκτικά με έντονα συναισθηματικούς στίχους. Επίσης, η άψογα αισθησιακή και ακαταμάχητα ελκυστική φωνή του καλλιτέχνη θα αφήσει το σημάδι του σε κάθε ακροατή.” *

“”Isolde Molarin” dio a conocer su talento de canto en cuatro minutos de la atmósfera inmersiva. El tempo lento de los paisajes sonoros cautivadores y las formas melódicas cuidadosamente combinadas con letras fuertemente emocionales. También la voz perfecta e irresistiblemente atractiva del artista dejará su huella en cada oyente.” *

On June 21, Isolde Molarin will follow up her debut single ’My Taxi’s Here’ with a music video in surreal ultra-luxury. A video that describes the longing to be loved for who you are instead of the illusion.

Isolde Molarin has been compared to artists such as Fka Twigs, Banks, Kate Bush and Björk and on May 26th released her debut single ’My Taxi’s Here’, the first track from her upcoming EP ’Now You’re Holding My Heart’, a track that describes romantic darkness in an ambient, dreamy soundscape. In cinematic dusk, we now get to see the song come to life visually.

A pink bedroom in the woods, expanding starry skies, melancholic taxi rides and high glam under the moonlight.

With references such as Suspiria (1977), Persona and Neon Demon, the video becomes a mix between music video and art film. It has its explanation as the video is directed and made by Elin Fiorentino Passanisi, short film director and visual artist.

Produced and written together with Isolde, the two young women create something completely new in aesthetics. When watching the video, it feels immediately different from anything else you’ve seen. With a high-budget DIY feel, it creates its own expression in a world between dream and reality.

“Our expressions together create an aesthetic of its own. We started working together at the age of 18, and from the joy of creating together, a strong friendship has grown,” says Isolde about the collaboration.

The song opens with the line “You came with her but what if you leave with me?” The video portrays “Her” as the version of the main character that her loved one chooses to see. The illusion you have of each other that relationships so often are based on, and the longing to break free and be loved for who you really are. Love and loneliness are set against each other and take the viewer on a journey into a real dream world.

Many of the scenes were shot in the forest during cold spring. “Of course we managed to shoot the scenes in tights when it was minus 10 degrees celsius outside, Feels like it’s always like that on set, freezing, but it added! The chill in the air adds to the feeling of the isolated inner world.”

Isolde Molarin describes her project as an audiovisual world where the visual part plays a large role in her creation, also musically. “By showing the visual side, I can open the door to my inner world with one more dimension,” says the artist.

Artist links:
Isolde Molarin:
Elin Fiorentino Passanisi:

Reviewed by Nagamag on June 30, 2023

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