Izzy Miller – Quite Some Time

Izzy Miller – Quite Some Time

“Με κέφι και όρεξη οι νότες της κιθάρας μας ξεσηκώνουν για ένα χορό τρυφερό.Τα φωνητικά τόσο επιτυχημένα μας διακσεδάζουν και φτιάχνουν τη διάθεση μας.Η ευχάριστη ατμόσφαιρα της μελωδίας φωτίζει τη μέρα και μας κάνει να χαμογελάμε.Ο ρυθμός εύθυμος και ζωηρός διώχνει τις στεναχώριες μας και τα προβλήματα μας μοιάζουν πιο μικρά.”

“With joy and appetite the notes of our guitar rise up for a dance tender. The vocals so successful are wearing and making our mood. The pleasant atmosphere of melody illuminates the day and makes us smile. And our problems look smaller.” *

“With joy and appetite the notes of our guitar rise up for a dance tender. The vocals so successful they are decorating and making our mood. The pleasant atmosphere of melody brightens the day and makes us smile. And our problems look smaller.” *


Song Sources for “Izzy Miller – Quite Some Time”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/1pKrlz7sBJXpmh1RXZ53jJ

Find Izzy Miller on Socials:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/theizzymiller
Twitter: twitter.com/IzzyMillerMusic

Website of Izzy Miller:

Reviewed by Nagamag on February 26, 2023

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