Jaap Mol – Drifting (Spotify)

“Lightly touching the unknown, fingers glide over the piano keys. Felt mild anxiety mixed with curiosity. Angelic voices come in time, soothing the soul disturbing. And you step on the water surface and begin to drift. Drifting is a Mesmerizing new single by Jaap Mol under Woody Forest Records.”

“Слегка притрагиваясь к неизвестному, пальцы скользят по клавишам пианино. Чувствуется легкая тревога вперемешку с любопытством. И ангельские голоса приходят вовремя, успокаивая тревожную душу. И вы ложитесь на водную гладь и начинаете дрейфовать.”


Autumn just entered here in Amsterdam. We have to stay inside. It's raining. The streets are wet and empty. Here's a track to curl up on the couch and drift away into an endless and peaceful state of mind.


Reviewed by Nagamag on November 24, 2020