Jaap Mol – Here To Love (Spotify)

“Ambient and neoclassical; the perfect union of two elements. This is the love of two hearts, sunsets and sunrises. Also the whisper of the morning dawn and the singing of the cicadas during evenings. -Here To Love- gives an unforgettable feeling.”

“Эмбиент и неоклассика - это идеальный союз двух стихий. Это любовь двух сердец, закаты и рассветы, шепот утреннего прибоя и пение цикад прохладными вечерами. -Here To Love- дарит незабываемое ощущение. ”


The fundament for this track was a rather hateful speech by one of our angry world leaders which I sampled an tried to turn into something beautiful. The result is this peaceful piano piece, which is essentially a loop, supplemented by drifitng synths, haunting cello’s and guitar. We can turn hate into beauty. Because we’re all together in this world and we’re here to love.


Reviewed by Nagamag on March 19, 2021