John Huhn, Élan Noelle – Real Thing (Spotify)

“Total Summer mood in the composition -Real Thing- "Rainy Season" with a dynamic rhythm and a beautiful vocal part. A juicy instrumental song in which the sound of Progressive House smoothly vibrates in your speakers. Work filled with optimism and love.”

“Летнее настроение в композиции -Real Thing- «Сезон дождей» с динамичным ритмом и красивой вокальной составляющей. Сочный инструментальном звук, в котором звучание progressive house плавно вибрирует в ваших динамиках. Работа наполненная возвышенным настроем, оптимизмом и любовью.”

John Huhn is a music producer/songwriter from the United States (Virginia). His latest release, "Real Thing" is a Progressive House track featuring the exceptional vocals of Elan Noelle. His creative spirit and broad appreciation of music is reflected in the different variety of track mixes, taking an energetic track and remixing it to provide the listener with a completely different experience.

Reviewed by Nagamag on June 19, 2021