Julia Thomsen – Precious

“The neoclassical composition from -julia thomsen- is something intimate, in the atmosphere of which you can realize your most daring thoughts, ideas and fantasies. The unimaginable beauty of the melody of the piano will forever remain in your heart and in your memory. (Automatically Translated with Google Translate)

“Неоклассическая композиция от -Julia Thomsen-, это нечто сокровенное, в атмосфере которой можно реализовать свои самые смелые мысли, идеи и фантазии. Невообразимой красоты мелодия пиано навсегда останется в вашем сердце и в вашей памяти.”


Part of the Wonderness collection ‘Precious’ takes you away from the stresses of modern day life with its beautiful textures and gliding piano hooks, 'Precious', the perfect composition for relaxing and introspection, opens the door to a cosmos filled only with peaceful pulses. Also, it reminds us of the planet's inherent value. There are two versions felt noire and grand piano versions giving the listener a preference in sound.


Reviewed by Nagamag on May 2, 2022