Juliano x Eric Heitmann – Valor’s Call Piano Solo

“Η ήρεμη μελωδία ξεκουράζει το μυαλό και την ψυχή. Οι χαρούμενες νότες της ξεπηδούν αυθόρμητα και μας φέρνουν ευεξία. Ρουφάμε την ενέργεια της σαν τα διψασμένα λουλούδια. Άλλωστε τι θα ήταν η ζωή αν δεν είχε μέσα της την χαρά και τις ευχάριστες στιγμές. Η ουρανός εξακολουθεί να λάμπει και είμαστε τόσο ευγνώμονες για αυτό.”
“The calm melody rests the mind and the soul. Its happy notes spontaneously spontaneously and bring us well -being. We suck its energy like thirsty flowers. After all, what would life be like if it didn’t have the joy and the pleasant moments inside it. The sky is still shining and we are so grateful for it.” *
“The calm melody rests the mind and the soul. Its happy notes spontaneously spontaneously and bring us well -being. We suck its energy like thirsty flowers. After all, what would life be like if it didn’t have the joy and the pleasant moments inside it. The sky is still shining and we are so grateful for it.” *
Song Sources for “Juliano x Eric Heitmann – Valor’s Call Piano Solo”:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/6TZunSl2QyltOAHoVzl9vy
Reviewed by Nagamag on March 11, 2023