Justin Nicholls – Winter (Dancing Into Sleep) (Spotify)
“Justin Nicholls' music is unique. It is not possible to convey the feeling of being immersed in his works in words. Wye Valley Seasons is a multi-instrumental album where living instruments are woven together like tree branches. A true therapy for body and soul.”
“Музыка Justin Nicholls уникальна. Ощущение от погружения в его произведения словами передать не представляется возможным. Wye Valley Seasons - мультиинструментальный альбом, где словно ветви деревьев сплетены воедино живые инструменты. Настоящая терапия для души и тела.”
Winter (Dancing Into Sleep) is the third movement from Wye Valley Seasons, an exciting new pastural Jazz symphony. This piece was Inspired by the changing seasons of the Wye Valley which has been the composers home for the past 18 years. This 40 minute epic takes us on a breathtaking, kaleidoscopic journey into nature. As emotive as it is colourful, this high energy piece packs a punch live on stage and will unify audiences of all ages and musical tastes. Its aim is to reconnect us to nature through rhythm, melody and harmony. It received a rapturous response at its debut performance in August 2019 at the Pygmy Pinetum summer concert in Gloucestershire.
Justin says: This is my four seasons. Pulsing rhythms, rich saxophones & woodwinds, grooving bass, guitar & piano and lush tribal voices. This is my musical interpretation of the Wye Valley’s ever-changing light, colour and energy throughout the year. Living here has been a constant source of inspiration and renewal for me. This music is dedicated to Terry & Beryl Ellis - dear friends much missed and true natives of this magical river valley.
Reviewed by Nagamag on February 15, 2021