Katie Thorne – Team Sports

“Slow and moody guitar theme introduction to a beautiful voice, sensual and seductive. With a perfect and smooth groove this song is layered so well, from background choir alike vocals to a vocoder part, mixed and produced really great. ”
Track Sources:
Spotify: open.spotify.com/track/5PlHEBmRNi9ozRz7D1yKuv
Youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJmnJUG_PQc
Apple Music: music.apple.com/us/album/team-sports/1647540760?i=1647540765
Deezer: www.deezer.com/track/1939191887
Artist’s Socials:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/katiethornemusic/
Reviewed by Nagamag on November 16, 2022