Kendra & the Bunnies – So Hollywood (Spotify)

“In -So Hollywood- all necessary components and the relationship between them, are in perfect harmony. It amazed us with that well-chosen singing voice, suitable temperament and tone. She creates a highly artistic atmosphere, full of meaning and special mentality.”

“В - So Hollywood- все необходимые составляющие находятся в удивительной гармонии и взаимосвязи между собой. Поражает, как грамотно подобран голос вокалистки, подходящий по темпераменту и тембру. Он создаёт атмосферу композиций и наполняют её смыслом и особой ментальностью.”

The edgy underbelly of Hollywood speaks up in these lyrics. It is dark and captivating, intriguing and manipulating. It's rock 'n roll for the living. Recorded at the infamous Hyde Street Studios in San Francisco, Kendra & the Bunnies takes the listener into the depths of a decision-making process. What is she willing to do for fame? What has she already done? Outfitted with a large arena size sound, electrifying lead guitar, and haunting vocals "So Hollywood" is the hit you've been dreaming of.

Reviewed by Nagamag on June 5, 2021