Kiki Cubb – Free Spirit (Spotify)

“How free is your spirit, your insides and core of will in the flow of life around us? Can you feel it? It's near. The neoclassical work Free Spirit by Kiki Cubb will show the right path for lost wanderers.”

“На сколько ваш дух, ваше нутро и волевой стержень свободны в окружающем нас жизненном потоке? Чувствуете это? Оно рядом. Неоклассическое произведение Free Spirit от Kiki Cubb подскажет верный путь заблудившимся странникам.”

Inspired by the majestic flight of the Bald Eagle. Symbolizing freedom.

Kiki Cubb is an international composer who began studying piano in France at the age of nine. She continued to study music until her late teens. She moved to the United States and due to the day to day demands of life, she was distracted from her passion for composing music for some years. More recently, a tragedy prevented her from playing on her 100 year old Steinway for 3 years. After resuming playing and as a healing process, she discovered a new found passion for composing again.

Reviewed by Nagamag on January 29, 2021